Get API Key

Welcome to the API key generation guide. This section will walk you through the process of generating an API key for our service. Please follow the instructions carefully to ensure a smooth experience.

How to Generate Your API Key:

After successfully registering, follow these steps to generate your API key:

  1. Sign up at OpenAPI Box by completing the registration process.
  2. Once registered, log in and go to the API Services section of your dashboard.
  3. Search for YouTube Video ID to Thumbnail API in the available services.
  4. Select the API that corresponds to your service.
  5. Look for the Generate API Key option and click it.
  6. A confirmation modal will appear. Confirm your action to proceed.
  7. Once confirmed, you will see the API key generated for your account.
  8. Click the Show API Key button to reveal your API key.
  9. Click the Copy button next to the key to copy it to your clipboard.

YouTube Video ID to Thumbnail API

Retrieve YouTube video thumbnails instantly by providing the video ID. This API simplifies the process of extracting thumbnails for embedding or displaying on your website or application.



Field Name Description Required Example Values
video_id This will be the Video ID Of Your YouTube Video Which Videos Thumbnail you want to show No mqoL8FqoVfM

The API will return detailed information about the provided IP address, including location, ISP, and more. The data format will be JSON, similar to:

Demo Code Examples

<img src="" >


// Java Example for YouTube Video ID to Thumbnail API (Android)
import android.widget.ImageView;
import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso;

public class youtubethumbnailapiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ImageView imageView = findViewById(; // Replace with your ImageView ID
        String apiUrl = "";

        // Use Picasso library to set the image from the URL


Example Responses

It Will Return The Video's Thumbnail

  "code": 1111,
  "message": "Video ID Parameter is Required"

 "code": 1112,
 "message": "Invalid Video ID"

  "code": 1002,
  "message": "Invalid API Key"